Is Clutter Draining Your Energy?

Jan 19Clutter can have a huge impact on anxiety. Clutter can send your brain into sensory overload, which prevents you from being able to fully relax. In the worst cases, clutter can totally overwhelm someone and they will struggle to know where to start sorting it out.
The best way to tackle a cluttered space is to go in with a plan! Do it like the professional organisers at Zen Den and break the work into smaller chunks that do not feel overwhelming and are achievable! Do a little bit every day and watch the clutter disappear. Head over to Zen Den’s website for some decluttering inspiration, tips and support. The before and after pictures alone are very therapeutic to scroll through. You’ll feel better already and get inspired to tackle your own space.
Need more support? Zen Den tackles everything from smaller to larger jobs. You’ll even get advice and training on how to maintain your clutter-free and calm space. Visualise yourself with an easy to maintain system in place for storing your favourite things. Items that no longer serve you can be donated or sold on online platforms, such as eBay or Gumtree.

Think it’s time to invest some time and effort into your space and positively affect your wellbeing? Think creatively; you may be able to cover the costs for a professional organising and decluttering service with the money you make from selling your unwanted stuff.
Krista at Zen Den explains, “I do believe that my service can be an investment, as I show all of my clients how to keep the space maintained once I’ve done the initial organise and declutter. After a consultation with each client, I always start by completely clearing the space. We then go through every single item together and we make three piles. A “keep” pile, a “maybe” pile and a “donate” pile. I clean the space and then I put all of the “keep” items back into the room. Once that is done my client and I go through the “maybe” pile and decide whether or not items should be kept. Once all of the items have been organised in the room I show the client organisational techniques I used to help them maintain the space.”
Get in touch with Krista via her beautiful website.