Welcome Fitology Kitchen!

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Feb 18


We told you we were working hard to make sure food and drink provision was spot on at Fit Fest Oxford! So, say hola to Fitology Kitchen!

After many years of providing catering on tour for various music artists, Fitology Kitchen evolved to produce healthier balanced meals to support artists health issues, dietary requirements and for general well being.

With their knowledge and experience, it was time for them to move into a new exciting venture, by providing healthy balanced nutritious food that is colourful, clean, vibrant and most of all incredibly tasty.

Fitology Kitchen’s commitment to delivering quality and results are undeniable. To ensure their food meets all client’s requirements they teamed up a fully qualified Sports Nutritionist who can tailor food plans for all of your needs and a Vegan Executive Chef, who not only creates delicious vegan recipes, but has also studied various subjects such as nutrition, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, neurosciences, sophrology to well and truly understand how the mind & body work together.

Fitology Kitchen runs an environmentally friendly business and so they use environmentally friendly packaging where ever possible and are always looking for ways to cut down carbon footprint. Isn’t this great? They don’t only help us eat more healthy but also to live in a healthier environment! Thank you!

Fitology Kitchen offers a variety of products including a healthy range of juices, snacks and meals. Choose what you need from their Juicology, Snackology, Fitology and Veganology/Vegetology sections before 5 pm and get it deliver to your nearest gym!

@fitologykitchen is looking forward to tantalising your tasted buds to prove that healthy food does not have to be boring! So, get ready to taste their incredible products when you visit their stand Fit Fest Oxford!

Remember to get your ticket!

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