Get Ready to Boogie Bounce

Feb 18Boogie Bounce is a trampoline-based class that appeals to the majority of people who need to freshen up their training programme with sessions which are sustainable, effective and something that every member looks forward to going to each week.
Louise Goodridge is the instructor of Boogie Bounce and someone who has achieved it all and then some!
Her amazing journey in itself will inspire, motivate and continue to push you all on to achieve those fitness goals.
Back in 2008 she set herself a target to lose weight and absolutely smashed that target, resulting in a massive weight loss of an amazing 8 stone!
Fast forward to today and she teaches 12 Boogie Bounce classes per week AND owns multiple Boogie Bounce franchises which only proves dedication and the right fitness classes for you- really does pay off.
Louise is hugely energetic, committed and so passionate about enabling everyone to experience her classes in an effective, positive and most of all EXCITING way to exercise.
Of course, her Boogie Bounce classes are ALWAYS full of people jumping on the tramps!
Do not miss her in April teaching one of the most unique classes you will find.