Salads Done Right

Apr 19What does the word ‘salad’ mean to you? Is it a tasteless scattering of lettuce? Or maybe something delicious and filling? If your homemade salads need a boost, follow these tips to make your salads the star of the show.
Use seasonal British produce and buy little and often if you can. If you have space, grow your own salad leaves during the summer.
Try a mixture of raw and cooked vegetables of different shapes and colours. A combination can provide different sensations as you eat.
Herbs and Spices
Mix fresh herbs into a salad or make a dressing from them. Spices are great, too. Try cumin seeds on cauliflower, for example.
Include something with a bit of acidity. Tomatoes are a good choice or a tasty salad dressing.
Include both soft and crunchy ingredients in your salad. Raw vegetables, nuts or seeds can all provide crunch.
We need carbs and protein, so turn your amazing salad into a full-on meal with whole grains or pulses, such as chickpeas, quinoa, Puy lentils or brown rice.
These handy top tips are supplied by Jamie, founder of Vegemental.