Jump Your Way to Fitness

Jasmin Peppiatt
fitness health
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Jan 19

The last time you practised jump-roping may have been in the school playground as a child, but you may want to pick up your skipping rope again, because jump roping has evolved as a sport supported by national and international organisations such as the World Jump Rope Federation. They organise training camps and competitions worldwide to develop new talent.

In the UK, it has been the mission of Rachael Rollisson, Director of Jump Rope UK, to promote this sport enjoyed by children and adults alike. The company offers workshops and demos in schools across Worcestershire but also does commercial work, such as when they featured in the London 2012 Olympics.

Rachael had a love for jump-roping from a young age when she started it at her school club where her mum was the coach. She started competing at the age of nine and is now a full-time coach. Rachael and her mum have developed the family business Jump Rope UK and have expanded the team to include other experienced coaches. They now train fifty children with a view to enter the British championship and world championship. They run daily classes in a dozen schools in Worcestershire.

It’s not hard to see that this sport is a fantastic way to get active, get your heart pumping and if you meet up with some friends to do it, you’re guaranteed a fun workout.

The number of children and adults practising jump-roping just keeps increasing year on year, and it seems this trend isn’t going to stop anytime soon. Similar to exercising with a trampoline, jump-roping is an alternative way to improve your cardio fitness, whether you choose to practice it individually or in a team. Jump Rope UK is developing a fitness course for adults to enjoy the benefit of cardio exercise, whether it’s to lose weight or simply increase fitness levels and have fun at the same time. In fact, HIIS (High Intensity Interval Skipping) is an emerging trend in fitness and is used by the Victoria Secrets Angels for its high level of calorie burning per session.

In the future, Jump Rope UK will be looking to continue to expand their team in line with the increasing demand and aims to win even more medals at championships.

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